Central Cities

Central Israel is where the desert meets the mountains, where life is often lived a little faster than in other parts of Israel.

The center features much of Israel’s hi-tech activity, hustle and bustle, traffic jams and constant motion. Ben Gurion airport, the main entrance point for most tourists is in the center, just a short distance from both Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

The heart of Israel, the hub of the action, the Central region contains the greater part of the hi-tech industry, as well as financial centers such as the Borsa and the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange.

There is a small downside to the Central region. For many years, the center of Israel suffered through dozens of terrorist attacks and even today, when things seem calmer, much of that calm exterior is due to the ongoing efforts of Israel’s police and army, who are constantly on alert. Often these efforts go unnoticed by the rest of the world, but Israel’s population is aware and grateful for these ongoing efforts.

Some of the cities in this region include: